Champions return to arms cheats
Champions return to arms cheats

champions return to arms cheats champions return to arms cheats

This game differed from the original in that it allowed you to defect to the evil side early on, although this changed surprisingly little in regard to gameplay or storyline, the only notable variables being which final boss you fought and which side you're on in an optional dungeon in one of two Norrath-bound regions in the game. You have the option of importing characters from the previous installment and it seems as if the game was designed with the assumption that players would be doing this, despite claims to the contrary. The game is separated into five chapters, and takes a major twist after the first, which culminates in your first encounter with the orc general, Pelys, who isn't what he seems.Ĭhampions of Norrath also received a sequel game, Return to Arms, in which your character (along with any multi-players) is called into the outer planes by Firiona Vie, champion of nature goddess Tunare, to defend the cosmos against an alliance of evil gods attempting to resurrect one of their number. The available choices are Barbarian Warrior, Erudite Wizard, High Elf Cleric, Wood Elf Ranger and Dark Elf Shadowknight. You (and whatever people you're playing alongside if you've selected multi-player mode) heed this call as one of five customizable race/class choices, each of which are highly customizable. Leithkorias, King of the Wood Elves, calls out for champions to defend the land. Its plot involves an alliance of orcs and goblins, once enemies, laying siege to Faydwer, the continent of elvenkind at this point in Norrathian history. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP.Ĭhampions of Norrath is an Action RPG on the PlayStation 2 set in the world of the EverQuest MMO series, roughly three hundred years prior to the original EverQuest, making it a prequel, albeit one that is only vaguely alluded to in any of the online installments. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE.

champions return to arms cheats

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Champions return to arms cheats